Thursday 5 November 2009

8% of gang rape suspects are white

According to a report in this evening's London Evening Standard, only 8% of gang rape suspects are white, whereas white women and girls made up 50% of all victims in 2008 (Down from 69% in 1998 - possibly due to the growing phenomenon of white flight away from the inner cities).

This means that 92% of rape suspects have not been identified as white. 32%, four times as many as whites, were identified as black and 24% were, what the report refers to as being of "different ethnicities". Of the remaining 36% the race is not recorded, however, given that there have been no recent prosecutions involving white gangs (which would certainly have been widely publicised) we can assume that a similar percentage break down applies, which would mean that at least 88% of suspects do not come from within the indigenous white population.

The report also indicates that the numbers of gang rapes are increasing alarmingly.

Given that the much vaunted "benefits" of immigration are yet to be quantified, they would have to be quite something to balance out the downside wouldn't they?


  1. "Given that the much vaunted "benefits" of immigration are yet to be quantified, they would have to be quite something to balance out the downside wouldn't they?"

    ... certainly something more than 'getting a decent curry'

    great post!

  2. The American version of this is very well covered in "State of Emergency" by Pat Buchanan. I'll post some stats when I return to London from Leicester.
