Thursday 1 October 2009

Two more Victims of the South African Farm Genocide (and a 77 year rape victim)

I have updated the total number of victims of the ongoing farm murders in South Africa to 3068 to include two further victims who died violently during a violent 24 hour period at the end of September, these were:

On Friday September 26, 18-year-old Sheun Anderson was shot dead by two black assailants at his parents small holding at Wag-'n-bietjieskop, outside Bronkhorstspruit which is some 50 km east of Pretoria. Sheun's 47 year old father Robert was shot twice in the stomach and is now in a critical condition. Both men were shot in front of Sheun's horrified mother Jeanine.

The following day 55 year old Isabel Schonken was shot dead in a separate attack at Killkop. also east of Pretoria. Her 56 year old husband Lars was also assaulted and is currently recovering. Mrs. Schinken's sister, Héléne Rumsey, said the assailants had cut through an electric fence which stretches all around the smallholding. They were able to get into the house through an open sliding door.

"They attacked Lars in the bedroom," Rumsey related. "It seems as if my sister had fallen asleep in front of the television in the living room and woke up when they shot Lars.

"Shortly thereafter she was shot through the heart."

News sources here and here

Meanwhile, also on Saturday and again in the same area a 77 year-old woman was raped in her home in a retirement complex. According to news reports she was restrained for over an hour, and raped twice. She was also choked many times until she nearly lost consciousness. Her attacker fled with a small amount of cash and a radio. Police spokesperson Sergeant Lynnette Erasmus, said the woman was overpowered while she was sitting on her stoep, feeding bread to her birds.

News Source here (Hat tip Dina)

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