Wednesday 16 September 2009

When the going gets tough, the not so tough shout ......

If there were awards being handed out for the most predictable allegation of 2009, this would just have to win. You can be sure that as it gets tougher the shouts will get louder.

They are now circling the wagons as they know the game is up, and that the only weapon they have left is the race card, and, oh my, will they use it!.


  1. George Bush was called every name under the sun when he was President. It comes with the job. I don't recall him or his close colleagues whining about it.

  2. Good ole' Jimmah "peanut" Carter, absolutely the worst president of the USA ever, bar none. A walkin' talkin', livin' disgrace to the nation. Friend of dictators, tyrants, muzlims, communists, you name it, -- he never met an autocrat he did not like.

    While he was president, he used to make a point of teaching Sunday School classes at one of the Baptist Churches in DC. I'm sure that they are proud of what he has gone on to become and how it reflects on them today.

    In this instance, Jimmah is half right. We don't like Obama's color. We don't like the fact that Obama is a Red. Communists have not been well received by most Americans, with some notable exceptions like James Earl Carter.

  3. President Carter is the illegitimate son of FDR,his whole life has been spent trying to destroy the culture and genetic heritage of the white race.The only saving grace of the 70s and 90s was the incompetence of the communist surpased the traitorous behaviour of Carter and Clinton. James McCarthy was Right.Deo Vindice

  4. If America is so racist against Obama why was he able to win Iowa during the Democratic Primaries? Iowa has a rural population that is 94 percent white. Also, Obama is half white so isn't he supposedly "bridging the gap" between whites and blacks? Calling racism doesn't cut it.

    Jimmah Carter may be the worst president now but with Obama's performance, he's soon going to be ousted from that prestigous position regardless of what he says!

  5. There will be two different categories for Carter and Obama. Carter will retain the title of worst president under which the country survived. Obama is going to be known as the Won who brought the country to violent revolution, a true distinction!

    They will both have blood on their hands, but Obama is going to be waste deep in it.
