Wednesday 16 September 2009

A letter to the BBC by Dr Frank Ellis

Aid convoy

By Frank Ellis

Re: BBC Radio 4 Iconoclasts/Corrupting Effects of Aid to Africa/16th September 2009

Dear Mr Stourton

I heard the trailer advertising tonight’s broadcast. I harbour no illusions that my contribution will get through the BBC’s politically correct censorship. But you never know.

Only an individual who was hopelessly brainwashed by the relentless flood of multicultural propaganda could regard questioning the effectiveness of aid to Africa as in any way being iconoclastic. Why should the West simply give money to corrupt Africans or anyone else for that matter? Western aid to Africa should always be driven by narrow, ruthless, selfish interest.

One of the main drivers of aid to Sub-Saharan Africa has been the confused, sentimental belief that the West owes Africans something. The West has no moral or economic obligations to Africa whatsoever. Africa’s problems are caused by Africans. African leaders endlessly complain about Western racism and then come with the begging bowl.

In many ways colonialism was a blessing for a people who long before the arrival of the first colonizers showed themselves to be incapable of creating and sustaining the sort of technologically sophisticated civilizations that we in the West have long taken for granted. In the aftermath of colonial withdrawal Africa has reverted to type. The ANC is slowly and relentlessly reducing South Africa to an irreversible Third-World slum. The organization for which you work Mr Stourton totally ignores the ANC-sponsored genocide against whites in South Africa. Take it for granted: had over 3,000 black farmers seen their wives and children raped, tortured, sodomised, then shot and stabbed to death by white gangs, before suffering a similar, dreadful fate themselves, the BBC and your friends in the Guardian would never let us hear the end of it. The condition of Haiti, free of colonial rule for over 200 years, is the final, gruesome future of South Africa. Mugabe, a Marxist thug has more or less completed the task in Zimbabwe.

There are only three responses to the state of Sub-Saharan Africa. They are:

(i). Let Africans get on with it and let nature take it course (a very cost-effective solution and my favoured solution);

(ii). Continue to bleed Western taxpayers so that savages like Mugabe and their vile friends can continue to live their Western life-styles (unsustainable, even some lefties are getting impatient);

(iii). Recognise that Africans are not capable of running their own affairs (everyone knows it but most are too inhibited to say it out loud) then re-colonise Africa and impose firm and fair rule on Africans through white administrators in the mould of British colonial rule. The full costs to be carried by the efficient exploitation of Africa’s mineral wealth (workable but would the West want to take it on?)

Frank Ellis (via e.mail 16th September 2009).


  1. The thing to remember is that aid is a business. A very, very lucrative business.
    These NGO`s employ some of the best advertising agencies and spin doctors in the world to outdo the competition. So the more pictures they produce of crying babies and pregnant for the 15`th time mothers, the better the odds of landing the those billion dollar contracts. These wonderful contracts are of course funded by the hard overworking and underpaid taxpayers, while they fly first class and live it up in the HYAT.
    So next time they want to guilt trip you out of your money that you have worked for, ask any of these bleeding heart NGO`s to show you his pay slip and see how quickly they disappear.

  2. Mr. Ellis seems to overlook the fact that the Chinese are moving into Africa very rapidly. Their presence in the area creates an entirely new situation, one that has not existed previously. The Chinese have an entirely different approach to African and the African people than that of the Western nations.

    The Chinese are interested in the mineral wealth of Africa, but they have no humanitarian concerns whatsoever. Consequently they are willing to essentially enslave the blacks to work the mines to recover the minerals, but they will do nothing to help the black people at all. This is a new, different situation to any that has existed before. It requires a different approach altogether.

  3. Who's buiding great big estates? Therefore displacing millions.

    Go on guess?

    Do you know?

    Go on guess.


  4. (i). Let Africans get on with it and let nature take it course (a very cost-effective solution and my favoured solution);


  5. Dr. D, how much of the world's supply of limited and valuable energy sources are in Africa? I mean to say, if the answer was 100% we'd have to compete with the Chinese there, but for just 1% we could choose not to bother. How necessary is it to get involved there?

  6. @ fellist

    I don't have a lot of statistics at my finger tips, but I don't think the issue is so much energy (with the exceptions of Libya) as it is materials like cobalt, diamonds, gold, etc. Diamonds and gold have industrial value beyond their intrinsic value as mediums of exchange. For some of these things, Africa is the principal source, Russia being another in some cases.
