Tuesday 25 August 2009

A young mother dies in South Africa

Tracey-Leigh Frankish

The murder of Tracey-Leigh Frankish did involve a degree of opportunist theft, enabling the authorioties to hide behind the claim that her killing was the result of "crime". However, having read the sad details of her death, I don't think there is any doubt that she is a futher victim of the hidden genocide against the rural white South African population.

I have, therefore updated to the total count to 3,065.


  1. http://www.news24.com/Content/SouthA...armer_to_death

    And another one bites the dust :-(

  2. Tragic.
    This genocide is not hidden just ignored by the luvvy west.
    Our turn next I fear.

  3. Hi Anonymous 05:52

    There seems to be a problem with your link, however, I assume that this is the story you are posting about, I will update the site shortly.
