Sunday 9 August 2009

Thanks Gordon by Simonben

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  1. Seems shame not to express your gratitude to Tony also. After all, he did his bit, and it was a pretty major bit at that ...

  2. It is sad that Britons, by and large, have not submitted to their only real Ally.

    Remember that on October 8th, 2005, 3 months after the Muslim atrocity of July 7th, 2005, a massive earthquake struck Pakistan, 7.6 on the Richter Scale, leaving 80,000 dead.

    The majority of the victims probably never committed a single terrorist murder or insulted even one UK Police Officer.

    But they were Muslims.

    I suggest this is food for thought. The scripture is very clear about Who is ultimately responsible for earthquakes (whatever 'natural' explanations geologists might come up with e.g. 'tectonic plate movement' etc.), Numbers 16:30-33.

    And when the Biblical Earth-shaker decides to target a particular ethnic/religious group who are giving His people grief, He can do so immediately, decisively and specifically without having to exert Himself, 1 Samuel 5:6, 9, 12.

    Today's Brits should take all that on board, I believe.

    I suggest further that in former times, when the Olde Booke (not the modern counterfeits) was believed, read, studied, memorised, preached and obeyed in the homes, parish churches, Bible colleges, schools and Sunday schools of the realm, including the Old Dominions, the English-speaking peoples were in a lot better shape ideologically, psychologically, sociologically and politically than many of them are now.

    I am about to give the clip top rating, Sarah, thank you. Hope you've still got the little tornadoes under control, mostly (being realistic).

    When they're older, they will go to places like the Black Sea for a vacation with their mates or hiking in Scotland, like our two are now and you can look forward to a well-earned summer break.

  3. Yes. Good video.

  4. Thank you for bringing us this, Sarah, although 'enjoy' is hardly the word I would use to describe the way it made me feel.

    We are fighting for our way of life, our faith, our very lives - keep telling it as it is, Sarah, and God bless you.

  5. Don't forget Edward I 1290

  6. pay no attn; to the fools we in America know who are friends are and they are the Brits, this Islam silliness is only a passing phase and olde England will percevere with flying colors.did you notice the main thing, these ppl were let in to better their lives by sympathic Britons and they bit the hand that was extended to them so the faults no yours but the ingrates,WE IN THE STATES LOVE YOU ANF GIVE YOU THANKS FOR YOUR HELP IN THIS FIGHT AGAINST ISLAMIC FACISM, Rtd Chicago copper,

  7. pay no attn; to the fools we in America know who are friends are and they are the Brits, this Islam silliness is only a passing phase and olde England will percevere with flying colors.did you notice the main thing, these ppl were let in to better their lives by sympathic Britons and they bit the hand that was extended to them so the faults no yours but the ingrates,WE IN THE STATES LOVE YOU ANF GIVE YOU THANKS FOR YOUR HELP IN THIS FIGHT AGAINST ISLAMIC FACISM, Rtd Chicago copper,
