Wednesday 26 August 2009

Elderly South African Farmer tied up and beaten to death

Mr Wilhelm Lotterie (65) was kicked and beaten to death by five robbers on a small farm outside Pretoria- in front of his daughter in law with her 4 day old baby boy.

A fire was started in a field, seemingly to to get his sons Piet & Neels to leave the house.

The daughter in law, Jessica Lotterie(23) with the four day old baby boy, Dante, was attacked on the stoep (an area beneath as extension to the roof, providing protection from the rain and sun).

Wilhelm had a heart problem. He was forced to lie down on the floor in the lounge. His hands and feet were tied and his pants pulled down to his knees, presumably to humiliate or intimidate the elderly man.

After the fire outside was extinguished and the sons returned, they were caught and tied up by the killers. One was tied up in the bathroom (toilet), the other in the bedroom.

The neighbour, Jan Vermaak, later heard screams of the daughter in law, Jessica, and sent his sons with flash lights. They found Jessica, Piet and the baby in the road.

Paramedics declared Mr Wilhelm Lotterie dead on their arrival.

News report
Hat Tip: DB

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