Saturday 11 July 2009

Ignoring the Eastern connection

I note that whilst President and Mrs Obama were visiting the West African country of Ghana they took time out to visit an old slave fort, from which around 35,000 African slaves were shipped to America in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Isn't it odd that, given Obama's Kenyan ancestry, and the number of times he has visited East Africa, he has never felt inclined to visit the vast caves where slaves were held in Uganda and Tanzania where far greater numbers of slaves, hundreds of thousands or possibly millions, were held before being shipped eastwards to Arabia and Asia.

Or he could even have visited the Mangapwani Slave Caves in Zanzibar ,where slaves were still being held well after the American civil war, after all it is apparently now a popular tourist attraction, and only a short flight from Mombasa.

Obama is the President of America, but he is also the son of an East African, so you might expect him to acknowledge the fact that far greater numbers of East Africans ended up as slaves than did West Africans. Of course most East African slaves, together with in excess of 90% of all African slaves, didn't end up in either Europe or America. The vast majority were taken to Arabia, by Arabs.

Acknowledging the Arab slave trade might not be politically correct, but given that BO actually went so far as to write a book about his dear old Daddy, surely political correctness wouldn't stop him acknowledging such a significant part of Kenyan history, would it?

Oh wait a minute though, Daddy Obama wasn't entirely Kenyan was he? He was also part Arab, hence choice of Junior's middle name Hussein. Ah right!!! Now I see why mentioning the role Arab slavers played in Kenyan history could prove a tad embarrassing for Barry. Imagine if it turned out that he was descended from slave owners on both sides!


  1. Thank you for that informtion regarding Obama's part-Arab lineage, Sarah. He's even more of a type of the final antichrist than I had thought.

    If he had some Jewish ancestry somewhere, like Judas and "the profane wicked prince of Israel" Ezekiel 21:25, he would be even closer.

    If then he eventually became pope, he would be the final antichrist, at least so far as all the necessary characteristics were concerned.

  2. Please! Don't start me on slavery - who ended it? - the British Navy that's who, but we (Britain) get no credit for that.

  3. Yes Sarah it could have proved a tad embarrassing for muslim Obama. Donna

  4. Thank you for that article Sarah. I wonder how many people actually know the arab connection with slavery?

  5. @ Dowlish,

    Fair comment, but in today's dumbed down societies, that thanks to our useless education systems are not only functionally illiterate, but also only know what selective propaganda the media feeds then in quantities that only allows sheeple a memory capacity of a few days.

    Outside of that frame of reference absolutely nothing is of substance, truth or consequence except that which is repeated daily by the press like a mantra for their entire lives...
    "White people are bad, black people are to be worshipped....what once was right now is wrong...Mandela is your are beholden unto the system and the nanny state...thou shalt not think independently..your culture, heritage, nationhood and succeses as a nation are now an indictment of your innate racism....your heroes were in fact history's worst criminals...the only purpose of your existence if you are white is to sef-destruct and to do so enthuisiastically...nuclear two parent families is an infringement of the rights of illegal immigrants to have more children than you can afford and your taxes will be used to uphold the rights of illegal immigrants to overpopulate you and ultimately destroy not question are allowed only limited pleasures in your miserable battle to exist for the benefit of these illegal immigrants and multiculturalism and these are binge drinking, drug abuse and promiscuous sex...your only form of entertainment will be the idiot box....your state pension is not guaranteed, your right to work subject to the availibility of not question this wisdom or you face incarceration....

    Now repeat the above.....

  6. Has anyone seen his birth certificate yet?

  7. mark said... "Has anyone seen his birth certificate yet?" 12 July 2009 06:19

    The Obama birth cert like Big Foot, many claim to have seen, but the "proof" is more elusive.

  8. Evening, I just subscribed to your terrific blog. Have any of oyu heard of the White slave trade, in Africa:

    They took, and brutalized, a lot more Europeans than Europeans ever took of them.
