Friday 31 July 2009

A correction to the farm murder count

Storm clouds gathering over South Africa

I have received a number of messages regarding a post I made on Monday, focusing on the murder of Johan Blignaut in Moreleta Park, Pretoria. It has been drawn to my attention that, contrary to what I stated. Mr Blignault who worked for a pharmaceutical company, had no direct connection to the South African farming community. Furthermore, Morelata Park is not a rural area, but a Prosperous suburb of Pretoria.

Therefore, although Johan Blignaut's killing, although probably a hate crime and as such, further evidence of the general genocidal threat facing all white South Africans, it is inappropriate to include his tragic and brutal murder as being part of the genocidal killings of white South African farmers. I have therefore amended the figure accordingly.

I didn't make this change lightly, but it is vital that we do not compromise on the accuracy of of these figures we present because those who seek to suppress this information will use any inconsistencies against us.

I hope that someone is maintaining a record of all the whites who are being murdered in South Africa, as the figures I am maintaining here only represent a part of what is actually going on.

Another suburban killing which will also not be included in my figures occurred on Wednesday this week, when Afrikaner occupational therapist Marinda O’Dell, 48, was killed by intruders into her home on Thursday – her throat was cut. Her daughter Alicia, 17, was also attacked, she had been choked and bludgeoned with an angle-iron, was found unconscious by police in her bedroom. Two armed attackers have been arrested because the police were on the scene within just minutes after receiving the emergency call from a family friend. It’s not known if anything of value was looted. According to the media the murder attack seems to be motiveless.

Mrs O'Dell was murdered shortly after arriving home after having collected some disabled children from school and delivering them to their nearby homes.

1 comment:

  1. Arthur Kemp states that 30,000 murders are committed in SA each year, of which at least 3,000 are white. That's each year.

    See The Lie of Apartheid p 77.
