Tuesday 30 June 2009

More murder and torture in South Africa

I have updated the total number of victims of the ongoing genocide of white South African farmers to 3,061, to include the tragic death of 57 year old Eben Coetzee, shot to death when he and his wife Suretta were attacked at their small holding in Vanderbijlpark on June 24th.

The following day the Pretorius family from Katboschfontein, near Delmas survived a traumatic ordeal, when Wynand and Lydia Pretorius, together with two of their children, Mrs Pretorius's 72 year old mother and a family friend were held captive and tortured with boiling water. Full story here

NB: It should be noted that the tally I am keeping relates only to attacks on a specific group of white South Africans, those living on farms and smallholdings in rural areas, mostly Afrikaner speaking Boers. It does not include the thousands of town dwelling white South Africans who have also been murdered, and thousands more, of both sexes, who have been raped, as part of the massive crime wave which has gripped the country since the ANC took power in 1994.

Although the urban whites are also officially the victims of "crime", very many of them were also tortured in their final hours with a level of brutality suggesting other motives, and few could argue with any credibility that the genocidal attacks on South Africa's white population have not extended beyond the farming community. The tragic fact is that, were I to count urban white victims, the figure I would have to quote would be at least double of what it currently stands at.


  1. Thank you for keeping this issue to the fore, Sarah.

    The silence of the media is also deafening. Where are the articles about the great, new prosperous, harmonious 'Rainbow' South Africa?

    Not exactly centre stage, I suggest. Or even amongst the props.

  2. @1st July 06:25

    And your point is? - Are you trying to debate this, because if you are, put forward your debate or go elsewhere to expose your obvious ignorance. Intelligent people live here - you know the ones that have actually experienced first hand that which they post with the authority of that experience - not ignoramuses like you who have some nebulous opinion about something they know nothing about which they then regurgitate with all the authority of a puking mutt something they once heard from somebody somewhere.

  3. Well, there's a message here, whites in South Africa will have to change their way of living. Establish defensible boundaries, and stop living in isolated homesteads.

  4. @anonymous

    "How many white people were being murdered during apartheid?"

    Yes you are right a considerably less than are now. What more proof do you need that the killing of whites in S.A. is a problem? When the last farmer/taxpayer is dead, too late!

    Incontrovertible proof that evolution indeed does happen in Africa. Apartheid has moved from Apartheid 1.0 to Apartheid 2.0 same concept, different means of achieving the objective, yet this time round the world is applauding like yourself!

    There is a silent genocide in South Africa, no doubt about it. The sooner the world actually realises this the better. Once S.A. is gone there will be no hope left for Africa, the last bastion of white occupied Africa will be gone.

    Kudos to Sarah and all those others that know the truth about what is happening in S.A!

  5. @1st July 06:25

    And your point is? - Are you trying to debate this, because if you a

    Steady on pal. You got me all wrong there. I'm on your side. I wasn't making a point, just asking a question. I just reckoned that far fewer whites were being killed during apartheid and I thought a white South African might confirm this for me.

  6. Far fewer whites were being killed during apartheid - confirmed.

  7. Just to give you an account of my own family here in South Africa:
    1 murdered uncle
    1 murdered cousin
    1 raped niece
    1 hijacked niece
