Tuesday 9 June 2009

Brain cell free UAF man explains the purpose of the attack

Click here to watch the interview at Derby Patriot

Sometimes our enemies are our best advocates


  1. They disgust me, I think people are waking up to this sort of blatant lying propaganda. Well we have two MEP members now, and three County Councillors, what have they got? Just a warped and evil outdated ideology!

  2. I see he is wearing a fred perry.I thought they were worn by erm skinheads

  3. What an utter, paranoid, zero. It galls me though the way these creatures can spout their lies to the media on TV with impunity. Jon Snow should have challenged him, but then he is under instructions. These myths, and many others, need to be publically sorted out.

  4. If the man could listen to himself, in a rational, detached, dispassionate manner (I realize this is impossible), he would see immediately what utter nonsense he is talking. The very think he is condemning is precisely the thing he is doing! He is standing on his head! What a complete and utter fool! How much Kool-Aid has he drunk?

  5. As a complete and utter plonker, he seems to be the BNP's greatest publicity asset atm, if you read the articles on the main site and on Martin Wingfield's blog.

  6. Nowadays, the worst kind of fascist is an anti-facist.

  7. I saw this and the UAF man came across as a complete and utter nerd. Thankfully.

  8. Martin Smith of uaf is walking down the street. All of a sudden a wolf pack of n*****s set upon him, pummelling him mercilessly.

    "Why are you doing this?" he cries, "I'm an anti-racist!!!"

    The response:
    "We don't care what kind of racist you are."

  9. Right intelligent looking bloke this wot?
    Of course then he opens his gob and exposes himself as a clear contender for Britain's dimmest......
