Sunday 3 May 2009

For a Once Great Britain

A poem by Mike Wilson:


The tide has slowly turned and left its mark
Upon the barefaced beach of hopefulness.
And we who sit and watch with future longing
Are aware that our own fate is still too dark.

For many go about their lives in ignorance
And what is forming round them, they can’t see.
The knowing ones despair of intervention
They are powerless beneath the apathy.

We live our lives in strict conforms and customs
We leave the civil libs. to set the scene.
We let the politicians run the country
We let our land get taken by default.

This once great proud and vital major nation
Is now usurped and tangled from within.
This land that always stood for truth and freedom
Has lost its way and now its light grows dim.

The world we used to know and love is gone
And in its place a maze of mirrors stands
Reflecting all the falsities of Europe
And highlighting false glory through the land.

Reflection on reflection serves no purpose
But gives false hope to those who cannot see.
Why is it only us with age upon us
Can see the truth but yet just can’t break free?

A mind enslaved can glitter with ambition
But is enmeshed with all constraints applied,
And these constraints are nothing but ambition
That chases once again their foolish pride.

Stand back and watch the world like we do.
Stand back and see how lives are twirled and spun.
Stand back and see the mirrors true reflection
Stand back and watch the world as it is run.

Nation states must stand against subversion
And break the hold of apathy and stealth.
Break free from all the paper chains that bind them
Refuse to be the slaves of others wealth.


  1. Lovely Poignant poem.

    'Nation states must stand against subversion'

    and stand more and more for organic Tradition that'll bring a steady secure future

  2. from 'Secrets of the Federal Reserve' by Eustace Mullins

    Hoover had also carried out a number of mining promotions in various parts of the world as a secret agent for the Rothschilds, and had been rewarded with a directorship in one of the principal Rothschild enterprises, the Rio Tinto Mines in Spain and Bolivia. Francqui and Hoover threw themselves into the seemingly impossible task of provisioning Germany during the First World War. Their success was noted in Nordeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, March 13, 1915, which noted that large quantities of food were now arriving from Belgium by rail. Schmoller’s Yearbook for Legislation, Administration and Political Economy for 1916, shows that one billion pounds of meat, one and a half billion pounds of potatoes, one and a half billion pounds of bread, and one hundred twenty-one millions pounds of butter had been shipped from Belgium to Germany in that year. A patriotic British woman who had operated a small hospital in Belgium for several years, Edith Cavell, wrote to the Nursing Mirror in London, April 15, 1915, complaining that the "Belgian Relief" supplies were being shipped to Germany to feed the German army. The Germans considered Miss Cavell to be of no importance, and paid no attention to her, but the British Intelligence Service in London was appalled by Miss Cavell’s discovery, and demanded that the Germans arrest her as a spy.

    Sir William Wiseman, head of British Intelligence, and partner of Kuhn Loeb Company, feared that the continuance of the war was at stake, and secretly notified the Germans that Miss Cavell must be executed. The Germans reluctantly arrested her and charged her with aiding prisoners of war to escape. The usual penalty for this offense was three months imprisonment, but the Germans bowed to Sir William Wiseman’s demands, and shot Edith Cavell, thus creating one of the principal martyrs of the First World War.

    With Edith Cavell out of the way, the "Belgian Relief" operation continued, although in 1916, German emissaries again approached London officials with the information that they did not believe Germany could continue military operations, not only because of food shortages, but because of financial problems. More "emergency relief" was sent, and Germany continued in the war until November, 1918. Two of Hoover’s principal assistants were a former lumber shipping clerk from the West Coast, Prentiss Gray, and Julius H. Barnes, a grain salesman from Duluth. Both men became partners in J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation in New York after the war, and amassed large fortunes, principally in grain and sugar.

  3. Yet another SA farm killing. Alan Rowe(58) was brutally murdered on Wednesday night on his farm in the Natal midlands near Pietermaritzburg. He was the owner of the Bloemendal Estate at Rietvlei. He arrived home at 20:45 and was shot by two of them who were hiding in his garage. He tried to reverse and flee but they kept firing until he died!

  4. Thanks for letting me know Barry, I have updated the blog.
