Monday 25 May 2009

BNP Website Update

The following message has been posted by Simon Darby the Deputy leader of the British National Party on his own blog.

At 13:36 Monday we can now confirm that following on from the sustained denial of service attack on the main BNP website ( we can now confirm the following:

1. The Counter Terrorism Unit at Scotland Yard is now investigating.

2. MI5 have now been alerted to this incident which has serious implications for UK security.

3. The Labour Party aligned "Searchlight" organisation is now being investigated by the Metropolitan Police for a similar attack on the servers of Clear Channel. The situation is compounded by the fact that "Searchlight" actually works for the Metropolitan Police.

UPDATE 17:10 pm

It seems the attacks have restarted, I will update you when I know more


Update 20:00 pm

I was wrong about further attacks. It seems the site will be up and down as technicians work on it, but it will hopefully be back in full working order by the morning.

According to Simon Darby we should look out for a new smear in the Daily (cracked) Mirror this week, it appears these will attempt to link the BNP to the Waffen SS, which seems rather a stretch, but coming from the "newspaper" which printed photos it alleged showed British soldiers mistreating Iraqi civilians, but which turned out to have been taken in someones garage in Tring (albeit they are still being touted around the Middle East as the genuine) nothing should surprise us.


  1. Thanks for the updates, Sarah

    Like you and many others no doubt, this latest shindig serves to confirm the absolute truth of everything the BNP stands for.

    It was the same when PC Ellie Bloggs (21st Century Police Officer) promptly removed a link I posted on her blog from The Westminster News about the upcoming EU police state in England. That convinced me the article was true.

    This is more evidence of that emerging police state.

    It's also sad that this country, indeed the entire English-speaking world, has been duped for so long by these closet tyrants whom the BNP has forced out into the open to commit direct criminal acts in a vicious and hopeless bid to stem the Party's advance.

    I think it was you who warned of the threat of massive electoral fraud for the upcoming euro elections. This appears to be part of that threat.

  2. Sarah, here are some figures that I got from an article at GoV titled "Stopping the BNP at Any Cost" dated Sunday, 24 May:

    The latest Sunday Express EU election poll conducted in the constituency of Secretary for Communities Hazel Blears shows the following voter preferences:

    BNP 38.4%
    Labour 19.2%
    Tory 13.4%
    Lib Dem 10.7%
    Green 7.1%
    UKIP 7.1%

    So both Labour and the Tories have ample motivation to do something drastic.

    No wonder they are scared out of their wits!!

  3. Hi Dr D

    I have seen that poll and am treating it with caution, other polls are putting support around 17%, which would still bring them some MEPs. However, who knows.

    Certainly Labour and the Tories are rattled.
