Monday 20 April 2009

US Double standards - Simon Sheppard and Stephen Whittle an Update

According to the site, as was to be expected the so called American justice system has applied the predictable double standards, and rejected Sheppard and Whittle's asylum application. Assuming this report is correct, the nation which trumpets the constitutional right to free speech will no doubt now return the two men to Britain where they will be persecuted for attempting to exercise that right themselves.

Related post here

1 comment:

  1. This sounds positively Orwellian, to have an Englishwoman complaining that two Englishmen have been denied asylum in the United States where they were seeking protection from the British government. I understand your point, Sarah, but the whole matter is really very strange.

    I can only remind you that the only person that could have changed this matter is the Big Zero, the man that all of Europe is simply enchanted with at this time. The average American man on the street has no input at all into this matter. As to trumpeting constitutional rights to freedom of speech, I'm quite sure that there will be no more of that either. If anything, there will simply be apologies from Zero for our having had freedom of speech in the past, and assurances that he is working to correct the problem now. So I think you are mistaken to speak of double standards. It is simply the New Standard that has been applied, the BO standard. But please remember, all the world (except most of the US) loves Zero. They smile and giggle with glee when he makes an ass of himself.
