Sunday 1 March 2009

A window into dark souls

"The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists." Noel Ignatiev: American history professor Harvard and the Massachusetts college of Art

Here is some interesting and cautionary reading matter for a Sunday:

Hating Whites

We have all heard politicians talk about diversity, tolerance, understanding, multiculturalism, immigration, integration, assimilation, the melting pot and so on. What do they mean by this?

And what is their long-term goal? "The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists." So says former Harvard Professor Noel Ignatiev, whose magazine is called "Race Traitor."

Anti-racists will rarely admit their goal as clearly as Professor Ignatiev does.

Continue reading at Western Voices

Harvard Hates the White Race?

Is the multicultural campaign really about diversity? Or is it about stamping out Western civilization and the “white race” itself?

Continue reading this 2002 article at V Dare


  1. Diversity is about a rainbow of colors, but white is not included. It is specifically excluded.

    The people who articulate this point of view most skillfully, naturally, are white (the colored folk would not have the ability to say it nearly so well). It seems clear that they
    (1) must be overwhelmed with guilt themselves to which they have given in and are seeking expiation;
    (2) are traitors to their race and want to see their own kind wiped off the face of the earth.

    The natural tendency, placed in each of us by God, is to want to be with those of our kind. We want to see our family, our clan, our group, our nation prosper and grow. This is the group to which we naturally turn for company, for support, and to whom we have a natural loyalty. Only someone who has suffered a massive psychological dislocation through guilt would turn on his own people and want to sell them out and see them destroyed.

    I saw a figure somewhere recently that said that the white race makes up about 7% of the population of the world, and I imagine that is about correct. Yet when you consider where almost all of the innovation and creativity in the world comes from, it is that 7%. The rest of the world contributes next to nothing. These Utopians are fond of arguing that white people start all of the wars and that the world would be a more peaceful place without white people. It would also be a vastly more primitive place without white people. The lights would go out, famine and disease would spread, and colorful mankind would rapidly revert to a state of nature and intertribal warfare. I doubt that is what they have in mind.

  2. Re: is it about stamping out Western civilization and the “white race” itself?

    Yes, as Dr. D accurately analyses.

    The white race in the US and UK has uniquely established strong, independent sovereign nations with global influence.

    Therefore they must go in order to establish a Satanic NWO. The description of the beast with the body of a leopard in Revelation 13 is key in this context. The non-white races are 'on top' i.e. in charge but the white race, the 'under-race,' still provides the strength, in the stomach and loins etc., as is the case for any four-footed critter.

    One 'word' picture like that is worth a 1,000 ordinary words of text.

  3. Yes. To any truly thinking person the New World Order is about White Indo European being in the descendent

  4. I suspect that any "thinking person" who really believes that to be true may be in for a surprise.
