Saturday 28 March 2009

Number 18

UPDATE March 30
It is quite true that Lewis Hamilton moved up from 18th place to third, for which he deserves congratulations. However, that still does not make him the living saint and multi-purpose sex God parts of the media want to present him as.


  1. While I think the guy is a twat (because he went to Switzerland to avoid paying UK tax, not because he is black), he's still a great driver; and did actually finish way up the field, considering his starting position.

  2. Err spoke to soon didn't you? Lewis drove an awesome race. Try finishing 3rd after starting 18th...

  3. Who/What is #18? What does this have to do with a car?

  4. #18 was the position which Lewis Hamilton was in prior to yesterday's race, in which he did very well and achieved third place.

    Lewis Hamilton as you probably know is the current Formula One world champion who we are all required to worship on account of him being of mixed race.

    He is driving a different car and suddenly he wasn't doing very well, until yesterday.

    I have nothing against him personally, but I get irritated with the media who are trying to build him into some sort of saint and sex God on account of his ethnicity.
