Thursday 5 March 2009

Not going home

Before anyone starts cheering at the sight of unemployed Polish and Eastern European immigrants being flown home you need to take a reality check, because it is ONLY the Polish and Eastern Europeans who are going home, and they were always going to anyway. The non-European immigrants are not going anywhere, they are here for good.

As I have said here before, the Poles, Czechs and Latvians were used as a smokescreen by the media and the government, who even encouraged a level of anti-Polish feeling, by, for instance, focusing so strongly on them whenever the subject of immigration came up. European immogrants were deliberately used as a distraction, to hide Nu-Stazi's true purpose, which is to import as many new Permanent, non-European, residents into the country as possible.

The only real problem with the Europeans was that they were used to keep wages artificially low, however, even if things had remained as they were before the sub-prime lead financial crisis, most of them would not have stayed for more than a few years. The Poles, Czechs and other Eastern Europeans were here to work, not to shirk. That is not so with the Somalis, that is not so with the Algerians and Iranians, and it is certainly not the case with the Bangladeshi immigrants or most of the West Indians, they ain't going anywhere!

To be fair, would you go back to where they came from?

Get on any bus in South or East London, Leeds, Bradford or Birmingham and you will see the second fastest growing group in the country. No-European pensioners (the fastest growing group, of course, is immigrant mothers). This vast number of people. Arrived in Britain over the last forty years and, and they intend to stay. And why wouldn't they, there is no old age pensions, subsidised housing and free health care in the places they left, and unlike the Poles and Estonians, when did you last see a black man or an Asian rough sleeper? There certainly are not very many.

We are constantly told that we need to import immigrants to support an ageing population, however, it seems that in fact we are importing immigrants to support ageing immigrants. In turn. the latest batch will grow old as well, and there are even more of them.

Yes, the Poles are going home, but they are the only ones who are.


  1. "The Poles, Czechs and other Eastern Europeans were here to work, not to shirk.

    That is not so with the Somalis, that is not so with the Algerians and Iranians, and it is certainly not the case with the Bangladeshi immigrants or most of the West Indians, they ain't going anywhere!"

    ...and to remind your readers, perhaps you're referring to unemployed SCROUNGERS like Mohammed Salim as seen HERE.

    P.S. - There used to be a colourful photo of the smiling brood attached to this story, but it has disappeared. I supposed it demonstrated bad manners to be "kicking their benefactors in the teeth" and being happy about it.

  2. I loved the Billy Connolly stage quote - the Guinness bottle - where a young Muslim was having a wife chosen for him. The one where he ends up with a hairy arse with an enormous set of testies. The Peter Mandelsons' would know which way to turn, but an ordinary human would feel very uncomfortable...:-)
    And the qualified solicitor who wanted to represent her client in a Court dress know what!!! The Courts have strict dress codes because it is every persons right to clearly identify everyone taking part in cases, although some concessions are made in violent and terorism cases.
    The only thing that is now sacred in this once great nation is for the immigrant to kick enormous holes in all our traditions and values.

  3. As heartbreaking as it is it serves as a fitting punishment for the stupidity of marrying a muslim.
    And it should teach the British how to treat the muslims in Britain.
    In time she’ll see her children back in the UK wearing a waist belt full of TNT.
    Thank the politically correct dildos of the western world for it...

  4. That was very upsetting to watch the children in such distress. but what did she expect.

    I doubt she will see them again, or if she does they will not look like they do now.

  5. Interesting that the Sun have chosen to put an advert for condoms right under the story.
