Monday 2 February 2009

A view from Zimbabwe

By a son of Zimbabwe

The importance of the Zimbabwean catastrophe, I believe, is the relationship that this loss of civilisation has to the civilisation which you (and I) wish to protect.

The Zimbabwean tragedy is not the aberrant result of a single loose cannon – not a bizarre individual's idiosyncrasy. It is a model of how the counter-culture of parts of the globe will destroy. This is a model of black incompetence wrapped in the delusions of capability. It is the exemplification of the ruthless power as it develops within primitive communities. It is the expression of a social personality which is so askance to that which created Western Society. It is a society which cannot conceive the type of social relationship mechanism which allowed the evolution of the culture which we inherited.

I am not prepared to heed those who say "given time, education, compassion, tolerance, and leadership, these people will come right". I am not concerned because there is no time. Education and all else has been given to excess. Indeed these people were supplied with a fully functioning nation to demonstrate their capabilities. Like children playing with a complex toy which they could not appreciate or understand, that nation was dismembered, and rapidly left in fragments.

About 7% of the world is white (extrapolated from Economist figures of about 10 years ago). Therefore there is not only no time, but there is no space. The prospects of large invasions by those on intent on stripping assets is real – made so much more probable by the apparent social suicide of the Western politicians.

Large invasions will be made more likely by the West’s economic bust, again engineered by politicians of such crass stupidity that the word "politician" requires re-defining. The primary purpose of wealth should be self protection. The national wealth has and continues to be squandered in a political make-believe. As one result of this impending impoverishment, the West will soon not be in a position to defend itself against invading hoards. There will be no time, no space and no money to protect the civilisation. The invading masses will not come as conventional armies; instead they will arrive as masses of people in unstoppable numbers. Initially the "rights activists", "processes" and "humanitarian recognition", EU directives and government inertia will stall a response. "Sleepers" in these countries (like Britain) will allow an easy and irreversible infiltration. Indeed that process is well advanced. But the White Briton, like the frog which is slowly heated, remains unaware of the threat they face. It might take someone like me, from an arms length, to visualise the full danger.

Incidentally the opinions of those who opposed Enoch Powell, with the same trashy rhetoric we still have, are now demonstrated to have been so wrong. Powell's figures in relation to immigration, so sneered at, at that time, were well exceeded by 2000, the last year for which Powell gave his predictions. Is it time for an "Enoch Powell Remembrance Day"?


  1. One thing that really disgusts me about liberals and leftists is the concern about people far away that they know very little about, coupled with the complete criminal indifference with contempt towards working everyday people in their own country especially when those people are white....

  2. Britain has imported the genes of its own destruction....

  3. that cant be zimboobwe. They dont have electricity there to power the ceiling lights

  4. sarah the empty shelves say it all.
