Wednesday 17 September 2008

Pond Life by Joey Smith

In his new single the excellent Joey Smith responds to the dire Lily Allen so much more eloquently than I could. If you are in Britain I urge you to go out and buy it make it a hit and piss off the PC brigade.
For those outside Britain who have no idea who Lily Allen is, she is one of those so called celebrities, like the substance dependant Pete Doherty who have joined the anti BNP campaign and has been including anti Nationalist lyrics into her songs.


  1. captain jack aubrey said...

    Americans today are told that their children have no more right to this country than the child of someone from Guadalajara or Guangdong. Why die for such a place? No one washes a rental car, no one bleeds for a rental country....

    It was always a dumb idea to try to suggest that you could strengthen a First World economy with a Third World population - a bit like that John Belushi video where he's an Olympic champion who breakfasts on chocolate donuts and Marlboros.

  2. Can't understand what Mr. Joey is saying but it must be all the rage . Maybe it has something to do with the act this young lady is fixing to commit against that bottle of sauce .

    I don't know ... just a grouchy ol grump ... nobody listens ...

    ( echos )

  3. I have added the following note to the post

    For those outside Britain who have no idea who Lily Allen is, she is one of those so called celebrities, like the substance dependant Pete Doherty who have joined the anti BNP campaign and has been including anti Nationalist lyrics into her songs.
