Monday 7 July 2008

Why South Africa Sucks Has a New Home

As many of my readers will know the Why South Africa Sucks blog has disappeared again, however, I can let you know that all the posts are backed up, and the blog has a new home, which can be found by clicking here.


  1. I see. Why exactly does South Africa "suck"? Is the terrain ugly or barren? Is the weather deplorable? Is the State Constitution rife with spelling and grammatical errors? Are the lawmakers habitually late or have poor bathing habits? I'm trying to understand how a state can "suck", as opposed to the policy or culture of that state ;-)

  2. Hi again zz

    I guess you should ask those at the South Africa Sucks blog, who gave it that name.

    Saying that something unpleasant
    "sucks" is quite a common expression.

  3. Sarah ... don't know if they're splitting
    connections or what , but there's some posting of comments here -

    Suggest those interested in the finer points of African living book an immediate flight
    to Jo Burg . Tourism is encouraged .

  4. Thanks Sarah for the info.I'm in this s..t hole[to old to leave.

  5. Any blog that tells the truth about one of the showpiece states of the liberal world is bound to be censored by the "authorities" sooner or later - which I assume is what happens to the South Africa Sucks site.

  6. Who owns the media? Who owns Google?

  7. I would just like to say that, yes, what happens in South Africa is a disgrace. It has come to a point where it is uncontrollable.


    It is still a wonderful country and will always remain my home. It has incomparable beauty and great hospitality in the most part.

    It is just sometimes hard to see the good amidst all the evil in this country.

  8. SA sucks has disappeared AGAIN from the site you mentioned

  9. You are correct, the forces of darkness certainly want to silence them their latest new home can be viewed here

  10. Yes, has disappeared again. It was supposedly independent etc. with its own domain and using Wordpress software. Think again.

  11. It seems to have reappeared, so it may have just been a server problem
