Thursday 24 July 2008

Vote for the top 100 UK Political blogs

Decide the Top 100 UK Political Blogs

Total Politics is publishing the 2008-9 Guide to Political Blogging in the UK. As with last year this will list the Top 100 UK Political Blogs.

Please note, although I am listed (pleasingly amongst the non-aligned blogs) I am not asking you to vote for me, I don't know if this blog counts as “political”, or if it has been around long enough to deserve a vote. However, there are many great Nationalist blogs within the UK, many of which appear in the right hand column of this blog, and it would be great to get some of them into the list instead of the usual media friendly dross.

If you are a Nationalist or merely enjoy reading Nationalist blogs, or blogs which argue against the current multi cultural, politically correct, orthodoxy please do vote for them to get them into the list and thus draw them to the attention of a wider potential readership, and wouldn't it be great to piss off those who seek to marginalise us. There are many blogs which have a lot to say, but who are denied a chance to get their message across, because they do not say what the establishment think they should. It would be nice to change that.

If you wish to vote, simply email your Top Ten political blogs (ranked from 1 to 10) to the following address If you have a blog, why not encourage your readers to do the same, it is a way to get our voices heard.

Total Politics will compile the Top 100 from those that you send in. Just order them from 1 to 10. Your top blog gets 10 points and your tenth gets 1 point.

The deadline for submitting your Top 10 is Friday August 15th. Please type Top 10 in the subject line. Once all the entries are in a lucky dip draw will take place and the winner will be sent £100 worth of political books!

The rules are:
1. Please only vote once
2. Only blogs based in the UK, run by UK residents are eligible or based on UK politics are eligible
3. Votes must be cast before Friday 15 August
4. Blogs chosen must be listed in the Total Politics Blog Directory
5. You must send a list of TEN blogs, ranked. Any entry containing fewer than ten blogs will not count.
6. Anonymous votes left in the comments will not count. You must give a name.


  1. Any tips on which Nationalist blogs are popular enough to have a chance of placing high, so I might help them? I'm not familiar with most of them.

  2. I'll vote for you. I think that your blog very good.

    But could you give me a tip about what other blogs are worth voting for? Honestly, I don't know to many of these blogs.

  3. Thanks for voting for me, but I doubt I am well known enough, although who knows. As to other blogs, I would have suggested The Home of the Green Arrow as he was getting around ten thousand hits a day. but he has rather put the site on hiatus so it might not be appropriate However, here are some which I think may have a chance of getting enough votes, in no particular order

    Simon Darby


    English Rose

    Sean Bryson

    I am an Englishman

    Red Squirrels nutcracking nationalism

    An Englishman's castle

    Biased BBC

    The Lone voice

    John of Gwent

    Another excellent blog is A tangled web (although it may not be based in Britain)

    If anyone can suggest any others please write in.

  4. Voting Deadlines

    Most of the states require an absentee ballot request to be made by October 24th. You can click on this link and request your absentee ballot.

    Check your States Deadline Date at
