Wednesday 4 June 2008

Politically correct racism - update

You heard it here first. Some readers may recall that, back in April I posted that organisations like the BBC were using Eastern Europeans as scapegoats and encouraging criticism against them in order to deflect attention from the far greater problems resulting from non-white non-European immigration.

Yesterday Tory MP Daniel Kawczynski, who is of Polish origin, highlighted the problem and accused the BBC of encouraging attacks on Poles, saying that the "liberal elite" at the corporation knew they had to cover the subject of immigration. But they would "not do stories about more controversial immigration" and focused instead on the "soft touch" of "White Christians from Poland".

Mr Kawezynski is absolutely right, anyone who has watched recent news reports on immigration, especially on the BBC can not have missed how strongly the focus has been on immigrants from Eastern Europe, whilst hardly a mention is made of immigration from Africa, the Middle East and Asia. (the ones who more often are mentioned in news stories with the words "a man is in custody" or "the police are seeking three biped male youths")

The media's racist mindset and anti-white agenda is obvious to all who look.


  1. Well said Sarah!
    Your posts are excellent, as always!
    I'm going to place a prominent link to you on Swindon Nationalists.
    Epona (RS)

    Norway Muslims Jailed For Genital Mutilation
    June 7th, 2008
    From those defenders of the faith at Reuters:

    Norway couple charged for circumcising girls
    Reuters - Friday, June 6

    OSLO (Reuters) - Police in Norway have arrested a Gambian-born man and charged him and his wife with subjecting five of their six daughters to genital mutilation, officials said on Friday.

    The practice, also known as female circumcision, is outlawed in Norway and arouses horror among many people in the West but is a rite of passage for young women in many countries, predominantly in Africa.

    The youngest of the five mutilated girls, all born in Norway, is five years old, police officials said. The others are aged seven, 10, 13 and 14 and live in Gambia, national broadcaster NRK reported.

    Police officer Hanne Kristin Rohde, head of the violent crime and vice section of the Oslo police, said on Norwegian commercial television TV 2 that the father — a naturalised Norwegian citizen along with his wife — was taken into custody on Friday.

    “Norwegian police have charged this couple of Gambian background for breaking the Norwegian law on genital mutilation — five of their six daughters are circumcised,” Rohde said.

    The mother is pregnant with a seventh child and was deemed unfit to be held in jail.

    Norwegian authorities have been cracking down on the practice since mid-2007, barring families from travelling abroad if they suspect they plan to have the procedure done outside the country.

    The charges are based on the discovery by child protection authorities that the couple’s second youngest daughter, age five, was circumcised, Rohde said. Their youngest, age three, has not been subjected to the procedure, NRK said.

    The child protection authorities have taken custody of the two youngest girls, Rohde said, adding that the police would now seek to bring the other four back to Norway in cooperation with the parents and Gambian and other Norwegian authorities.

    U.N. agencies say an estimated 100 to 140 million women and girls worldwide have undergone genital mutilation, whose proponents say it promotes chastity before marriage and fidelity afterwards by reducing female sexual desire. Around 3 million a year are believed to be subjected to it.

    Not only is this a loathsome practice, but the efforts that will have to be made to stamp it out will cause still more limits on the freedoms of the rest of the Norwegians.

    Norwegian authorities have been cracking down on the practice since mid-2007, barring families from travelling abroad if they suspect they plan to have the procedure done outside the country.

    The charges are based on the discovery by child protection authorities that the couple’s second youngest daughter, age five, was circumcised…

  3. Here's an idea. Not, you'll notice, one taken from my own ideological standpoint, but nevertheless one that shows arguments against free immigration to be at best nonsense and at worst bigotry.

  4. Hi Voltaires

    I am aware that there are various superficially convincing arguments in support of homogenising humanity, but I just don't buy them.
