Sunday 22 June 2008

A lone voice

It seems that Pastor Manning is not popular amongst many America blacks, I wonder why!


Hat Tip Why South Africa Sucks


  1. Manning is a complete nut job. Seriously whacked. He is the most made fun of pastor on you tube.

    One example here:

    "He has started recall campaigns against nearly every one of Harlem’s elected officials and criticized neighborhood acolytes like former President Bill Clinton, the Rev. Al Sharpton, and the Rev. Calvin O. Butts III, pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church, among others. He has also made unkind remarks about Senator Barack Obama.

    Dr. Manning said he loves Harlem and its people, and is only offering himself as the sort of effective leader the community has lacked since the days of Adam Clayton Powell Jr. and Malcolm X.

    The pastor said Jesus appeared to him in a vision during prayer in the early 1990s and instructed him to change the name of the neighborhood from Harlem to ATLAH, which stands for “All The Land Anointed Holy.”

    “Pastor Manning was commissioned by the Lord God Almighty to go into Harlem and preach righteousness and the Lord God would clean that community from river to river,” the church’s Web site states. “The streets would be so clean; one could take off your shoes and walk barefoot: That’s truly Holy ground.”

  2. I posted Pastor Manning's talk because it was different, and unusual for a black leader included a number of factual accuracies.

    It comes as no surprise that many would seek to attack him, the cult of black victim hood is a hard one to break free from.

  3. Sara,
    RM is correct. This guy is so nutty he is an absolute roll on the floor laughing yo-yo. People listen to him for no other reason than amusement.

    Not a good poster boy for your website regardless if you agree with this particular video. He has said many things that I am sure even you (no disrespect intended) would take issue with.

  4. I have never heard of him before, so I will have to believe you if you say that he has said odd things in other places (or may have been reported to have.

    However, can anyone point to anything he says in the video I have published which is not factually correct or fair comment?.

  5. Hi Sarah

    I think that much of what Pastor Manning said is anticipated by Wilmot Robertson in The Dispossessed Majority and Carleton Putnam's two books, Race and Reason and Race and Reality.

    Both were white scholars who researched the subject in depth. They wrote their books back in the 1960s and their conclusions have stood the test of time. Their books obviously will cover a lot more than the topics that Pastor Manning mentioned but they set the whole subject in context and as researchers of professional standing are not reasonably subject to ad hominem attacks.

    Race and Reason and Race and Reality are both available on line.

    I've heard similar sentiments expressed by other commentators in the US, e.g. Eric Jon Phelps, who is a Baptist Caucasian.

    Eric has seen and experienced the racial realities in the US first hand and has commented extensively about them in his e-group.

    Pastor Manning's estimate of dissolute black males was 70%. Eric's is 80-85%.

    One point that is so obvious that it is regularly overlooked is that, in spite of being perpetual 'victims' in the US, few if any blacks seem to want to emigrate to West Africa, the land of their forebears*. None of them, for example, seem to want to help make a great nation out of Mugabe's Zimbabwe, or Mbeke's South Africa, which is going the same way as Zimbabwe.

    *When it was tried in the 19th century, the result, Liberia, was a disaster.

    I believe that the tendency of US blacks to want to remain Stateside, instead of exercising their God-given right to become free and prosperous amongst their own kind in Africa is significant.

  6. Thanks Alanorei

    Those links look interesting I will check them out later.

    I know nothing of Pastor Manning who may well be as eccentric as RedMountain and Mark say. But he is a leading black figure who isn't selling the tired old I'm a victim give me money dogma which the rest do.

    That earns him a lot of wiggle room in my book.

  7. Good point, Sarah

    Actually, for anyone who has studied this phenomenon, i.e. unexpected wisdom from unlikely sources (or like the stopped clock being right twice a day), Pastor Manning is by no means extreme or even unusual.

    We could say, for example, that even Gordon Brown is technically right to condemn the violence and electoral fraud in Zimbabwe.

    However, way back before 1980, Britain suffered a severe drought. Rev David E Gardner* wrote in his book The Trumpet Sounds for Britain, Vol. 1, p 133:

    *C of E minister and WW2 RN veteran, in submarines.

    "General Amin of Uganda said: 'The present drought is a judgment of God on Britain!' They called him the Mad Moslem! I found myself saying at the time: 'Yes, God has to use a modern form of Balaam's ass to tell us! We have refused to listen to everybody else."

    And many still do. (We've had disastrous floods since then, and even a few noticeable earthquakes and tornadoes, mild ones of course - as yet.)

    All of which serves to make Pastor Manning, with his particular message, look like a bit of a conservative.
