Monday 21 April 2008

Update on the Knoxville murder case

As indicated on the earlier post regarding the murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, in the first of a series of trials Eric Boyd was found guilty last week of being an accessory before the fact and of assisting an offender. Boyd faces up to 15 years in prison when sentenced.

A video of the victims' families reactions to the verdicts can be viewed here I can not start imagine how Chris Newsom's mother could have felt as she acknowledges the degree to which her handsome young son was tortured.

Main trial scheduled for new year

Boyd was only a bit player in this case and four other defendants are expected to stand trial next year, almost two years after the actual killings.

Cruel Allegations in Court

Earlier, during Boyd's trial a witness claimed that Channon had been forced to shoot Christopher, a claim which the media pounced on perhaps as a means of shifting some of the blame onto the victims?

Here Channon's clearly distraught father responds to that claim .

I will update the blog when Boyd is sentenced

1 comment:

  1. Alanorei ... lotta good info there but you're awful inclusive . I don't believe you understand exactly who the Bible was written to though ... or who it concerns . And if you don't , yer only a step away from promoting integration and miscegenation .

    And I'm certain you would fight acceptance of that fact , tooth and nail .

    Deuteronomy 28 / Leviticus 26 explains the mess we're in ... and why . Things will get alot worse before they get better .

    Aint gonna be no " beam me up Scotty " either , for those placing their hope in that lie ( any old Star Trek fans here ? ) . We're all here for the duration . Best to get busy .
