Sunday 27 April 2008

The Truth about Islam in Europe - an excellent essay

I have not posted here this week end as I have been dealing with various family matters back in the non-cyber world. However, anyone short of anything to read could do worse than re-visit this excellent essay by the incomparable fjordman in the Brussels Journal back in February.

Which I was reminded of when it was posted to the Green Arrow forum by Yorkielass earlier today

I am sure it has been round the internet before, but it deserves as wide an audience as possible, especially when our politicians claim that Islam is a religion of peace and that only a "tiny minority" are extremists.

In truth our Sharia loving visitors seem to be attempting to achieve by immigration what they didn't manage to accomplish through more warfare in previous centuries. The invasion and overthrow of Europe has been a central aim of Islam for over fourteen hundred years.

Poictiershas long since been forgotten, I suppose, along with the re conquests of such places as Sicily and Spain, but most Europeans seem to forget that Muslim armies were at the gates of Vienna and Budapest at the dawn of modern times, or that most of Eastern Europe only became free of Muslim oppression and the threat of further Islamic incursions within the past 200 years.

They are back, and this time they plan to stay.

As Fjordman says:

The Varangian Guard defended Constantinople against other Westerners during the Fourth Crusade in 1204. One of their most prominent members was the future king Harald HardrĂ¥de, "Hard-ruler," from 1035, whose story was told by Icelandic poet and historian Snorri Sturluson ca. 1230 in the Heimskringla. Harald participated in a number of battles against Muslims and returned to Norway with great wealth. He wasn't the only one to do so. Large quantities of Byzantine gold coins have been found in Scandinavia. He is most remembered, however, for his invasion of England in 1066 with several hundred longships. Harald HardrĂ¥de was killed at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in England on 25 September 1066, a date which is often seen to mark the end of the Viking Age. The victor Harold Godwinson was himself soon defeated by William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings the same year. This remarkable story has been immortalized in the beautiful Bayeux Tapestry.

It is interesting to notice, though, that much of the contact that did take place between the Byzantine Empire and north-western Europe at this point happened through backdoor channels like the rivers of Eastern Europe, linking the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. The Mediterranean was still plagued by Muslim pirates.

Read The whole article here



    From Irish radio.



  2. ( pssst ! Sarah ... " links to friends & recommeNded sites ". OK ... OK , so I was hanging 'round those blue eyes again , but hey , can ya blame a fella ! now you can point out MY 253 spelling mistakes ! )

    ( wish you would consider getting rid off the word verification unless it's really need . I went thru a whole pocketful of quarters this go round ! )

  3. Thanks for that Jeff, I never could proof read!

    At your suggestion, word verification is now history.

  4. ... and from the bottom of my heart , I thank ye .
    Aaah , yer a smarty like I'll never be . Keep up the good work .
