Wednesday 23 April 2008

Congratulations to Beyonce and Jay-Z

I am sure many blog readers would like to join me in wishing the singer Beyonce and her fiance Jay-Z our warmest congratulation following today's announcement of their forthcoming wedding. It is always a delight when a young couple, especially those who are in the public spotlight, resist media pressure and chose to marry within their own race.

I congratulate them and wish them every success and happiness in the future.


  1. Even though I don't listen to any black singers , I will agree with you that to keep marriage within the confines of ones own race is commendable ... no matter the race . Not to say I'm gonna invite them over for tea and cookies though ...

    I believe she sings them girly songs , nothing wrong with that . Don't know if he's some kinda rapper or what ... not real interested anyhow . Think I'll go work in the garage awhile ...

  2. Yeah congratulations, good for thenm.

    Now if they just take it one step further and move to Africa that would be even better.

  3. Well ... confession time . I used to listen to a song , was a favorite . Don't know if yall have heard of them , The Temptations , I think ( old tunes ) .

    My Girl -

    " I got sunshine on a cloudy day ..."

    Anyhow ... time to get back to being a gruff ol fart .
