Wednesday 27 June 2012

The Price of European Immigration

By Fjordman

In his 2008 book Et Delt Folk (“A Nation Divided”), The Danish historian and writer Morten Uhrskov Jensen carefully went through publicly available sources. He demonstrated that the opening up of his country for mass immigration was arranged by just part of the population, sometimes in the face of considerable popular opposition.

Roughly speaking, those representing the political and media establishment and the upper classes were in favor of open borders, whereas those from the lower classes were often opposed. This divide is viewed by those from the upper segments of society as caused mainly by racism, prejudice, ignorance and xenophobia.

Since the educated classes enjoyed a virtual hegemony over public debate, they were able to define all opposition as hate and intolerance, exemplified by people such as Pia Kjærsgaard of the Danish People’s Party. The well-to-do themselves rarely lived in areas with many immigrants and could afford to move, at least for a while, if that was needed. They focused on the abstract and allegedly humanitarian aspects of mass migration.

Immigrants are simply referred to as “new countrymen,” who as if by magic always seem to enrich the natives with their presence. In Denmark, multiculturalists have successfully managed to establish the neologism nydansker or “new Danes,” a vibrant new breed of people currently displacing the tired and boring “old Danes.”

For poorer people, immigration was a concrete issue, as immigrants moved into their neighborhoods and went to school with their children. To put it bluntly, for those with money, globalization initially meant that they could travel on holidays to exotic lands and treat the world as their playground. For those who were less well off, it meant that the entire world suddenly moved into their street and took over their children’s local playground.

When the Titanic during her maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean struck an iceberg just before midnight on 14 April 1912, the first people who could see the water pouring in were the third-class passengers who happened to be situated closest to the waterline. Meanwhile, the richest passengers at the top were drinking fine cognac long after the ship had started sinking. They didn’t realize what was going on for quite some time, because they were further removed from the physical problem. The poor passengers still unfortunately suffered the highest fatality rates, because the wealthy benefitted from having privileged access to the lifeboats.

We see the same phenomenon on display today, on a much larger scale. Having Islamophobia in Europe today is just as rational as having icebergophobia on board the Titanic in 1912.

Uhrskov Jensen in 2012 published another book, Indvandringens Pris (“The Price of Immigration”) about how much money non-European mass immigration costs his native Denmark. His conclusion is that this cost is great in terms of welfare payments and rising crime combined with declining efficiency and technological innovation.

He shows through carefully researched statistics that only certain Asian immigrants are able to keep up with northern Europeans in the educational system. A few skilled immigrants from India or elsewhere can compete, but mainly those from East Asia: Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, and to some extent Vietnamese. All other non-Western immigrants show lower levels of skill and competence than Europeans, many of them a lot lower.

It should be mentioned here that these numbers correlate quite well with average IQ, where a few other Asians can compete with Europeans, but primarily East Asians. Other ethnic groups cannot do so. Although it has become taboo to say this in the modern Western world, it is well-documented fact that IQ correlates well with economic level, for individuals as well as for nations. The scholar Charles Murray has written much about this.

Former professor Helmuth Nyborg at Aarhus University in Denmark has conducted controversial research on the subject of the genetic inheritance of intelligence. His conclusion is that today’s mass immigration of non-Europeans will lead to an overall marked decline in the average intelligence of the population, and by extension a significant decline in social and economic competence, scientific progress, as well as technological innovation.

For decades Westerners have been told that immigration from less developed Third World countries is “good for the economy” and will “pay for future pensions.” Morten Uhrskov Jensen proves conclusively that this claim is fundamentally wrong, not just regarding Denmark or Scandinavia but for other Western countries, too.

Certain private companies may enjoy short-term benefits by having access to cheap labor and borderless export markets. Socialist parties can cynically import a reliable voter base of backward peoples who overwhelmingly vote for left-wing parties so they can receive generous welfare payments from the high tax payments extracted from the majority population, essentially forcing the white natives to fund their own colonization by foreign peoples.

For the country as a whole, however, non-European mass immigration will in the long run turn out to be an unmitigated social and economic disaster. The direct and indirect costs of today’s immigration policies through rising crime, increased corruption and higher welfare costs plus declining competitiveness, innovation and genetic intelligence add escalating costs to countries already in trouble due to rising deficits and mushrooming debt.

A Danish think tank has estimated that the net cost of immigration is as much as 50 billion kroner every year, and those were cautious estimates. A study from Denmark found that every second immigrant from the Third World – especially from Muslim countries – lacked the qualifications for even the most menial jobs on the labor market.

An ever-growing group of non-Western immigrants in Norway is dependent on welfare. This was the conclusion of a study by Tyra Ekhaugen of the Frisch Centre for Economic Research. Ekhaugen’s research contradicted the common assertion that the labor market depends increasingly on immigrants. The study indicated the reverse.

I have previously written about the costs of mass immigration several times, for instance in the essays When Danes Pay Danegeld:­ The End of the Scandinavian Model or What Does Muslim Immigration Cost Europe?

Yet Erling Lae, a politician for the Conservative Party and then the head of the Oslo city government, warned that the city desperately needs more immigrants and that there would be “complete chaos” without them. In 2005, Trygve G. Nordby, who has worked for the Socialist Left Party, as the director of the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI), claimed that the country needed more unskilled immigrants and should actively seek them out. It later emerged that UDI under Nordby’s rule had virtually run its own private immigration policy in violation of national law in order to give Iraqi immigrants the right to settle in Norway.

Journalist Halvor Tjønn from newspaper Aftenposten, one of the few genuinely critical journalists in Norway who later published a fairly realistic biography of Muhammed, in 2006 cited a report from NHO, the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise. NHO warned that the current immigration policies constitute a serious threat to the country’s economy. Norway is one of the world’s largest exporters of oil and natural gas due to its offshore resources in the North Sea and elsewhere. Yet according to NHO, there is a risk that much of the profit Norway earns from selling oil could be spent on paying welfare for its rapidly growing immigrant population.

These warnings were left unheeded by political leaders, yet the problem hasn’t gone away. In 2012, the business daily Dagens Næringsliv reported that researcher Erling Holmøy from Statistics Norway together with senior advisor Birger Strøm studied how immigration affects government budgets. They concluded that in the long run it would prove to be very costly, stating that mass immigration bears certain similarities to a pyramid scheme.

Author Morten Uhrskov Jensen states that the basic trends are identical in Sweden, France, Germany and the USA. The only reasonable conclusion to be drawn from this is, in his view, to stop all non-Western mass immigration. Yet the Western political elites continue to promote such mass immigration, in spite of mounting evidence that this is greatly harmful to their own countries. This dangerous stubbornness could be due to ideological blindness, or may be because the political elites see their positions, prestige and personal privileges tied to maintaining the status quo.

In the end, the historian Uhrskov Jensen fears that only a massive traumatic event or a major shock to the system can change the direction the Western world is currently headed and reestablish reasonable and sensible immigration policies that are in line with the long-term interests of the European majority population.



  1. Peter Sutherland, head of the UN Golbal forum on migration and development & non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs told the house of lords committee on migration " The EU should undermine national homogeneity" What an absolutely monstrous thing to say, a statement thats on par with anything out of the mouths of Goebbels or Trotsky.

  2. Near Matson, United Kingdom
    Two men who laughed during a horrific 'gang rape' of a drunken woman have had their sentences slashed after three senior judges ruled they were not 'dangerous'.
    Rezgar Nouri, 27, of Preston, and Mohammed Ibrahim, 24, of London, were jailed indeterminately after being convicted of assaulting the 24-year-old in Preston last June.

  3. You mention a 'traumatic event'. I happen to agree. All my observations tell me that otherwise the ordinary MSM-lobotomised people will snooze away.

    Remember the old Leninist dictum 'worse is better'. The pity is the rest of us will be dragged down with it.

  4. A MAN who ran up to an 11-year-old girl in Blackburn, pulled down her trousers and sexually assaulted her is being hunted by police.

    The man is described as Asian, in his 30s and around 5ft 7inches tall.
    He had dark short shaved hair with a long ‘pointy’ dark full faced beard down past his chin.He was wearing a blue Adidas short sleeved top, with white signs on the front and back, plain tracksuit bottoms and blue Nike trainers.
    Anyone with any information should call Lancashire Police on 101. ~sp~
    Man hunted for sex attack on 11-year-old girl in Blackburn street

  5. The question of why the Western elites are pushing mass immigration into the West is a matter of great interest and some controversy. The reasons might be complex and different for different countries.

    In principle, the reasons could be as follows:

    1. Corruption (ie they have been bought by oil money, or ideologically motivated people with money).

    2. They honestly believe white nationalism is lethally dangerous and that white countries have to be
    permanently "deconstructed".

    3. Stupidity; ie they might actually believe the globalist, blank slate claptrap.

    4. They want the votes of the immigrants.

    5. White demographic suicide, resulting in a need to prop up the state socialist Ponzi schemes.

    These explanations are not necessarily complete, nor are they necessarily mutually exclusive.


  6. Thankyou for bringing this article to our attention.

    Many of us no longer circulate around sites such as Gates of Vienna, Daniel Pipes or Frontpage etc, so it is easy for things to slip through the 'nationalist' net.

    I think studies like this are important for undermining the prevailing orthodoxies of the "left", and it is a worthwhile narrative to add to our fundamental issues.

    Whilst markers of the economy and such should not be the main aspect of immigration controls - because it suggests that there would otherwise be little problem with the process - it is often handy to have a range of arguments to use that compliment each other.

    This is especially so when it shatters the most often trotted excuses for what has happened and is still taking place today.

    Sarah, for your reference, I have uploaded an improved copy of the Frank Ellis video talk about liberal totalitarianism. I have spent many hours trying to fix it up.

    It is on my youtube channel and now also on my blog.

    I do not know if you have any direct contact with Frank or the "T.B.G", but they are free to 'grab' it if they want.

    I was going to watermark it with my own logo, but I decided to leave it 'open' for taking, in case TBG or Frank would like a better record of the speech.


  7. Lots of interesting points here although nothing that surprises me!

    One thing that continues to astound me is how one NEVER sees any sorts of studies into negative effects of immigration on the country receiving the immigrants. I wonder why that is?? On the other hand, when colonialism is mentioned, every possible criticism will be raised to show how it destroyed the colonialised people's societies.

    Re: immigration to Denmark - I've been told by would be immigrants that Denmark is the easiest country to get an EU passport and so immigration lawyers are focussing their efforts there apparently. A glance at the statistics should be able to prove/disprove this.

    A foreign national acquaintance of mine, who finished studying here last year and has since been working, is required to register his residency with the police and tax office. Interestingly, in his documentation (N.I.# etc) it states quite openly that he's entitled to benefits!

    "He shows through carefully researched statistics that only certain Asian immigrants are able to keep up with northern Europeans in the educational system." I've been told that when Hindu Indians started to come to the UK in the 60s they were selected according to their academic ability prior to being allowed to come in. Hence why that demographic has been so successful in the UK.

    Speaking more generally, the only reason I can conclude as to why immigration is being allowed to happen on this scale is because of the financial "imperatives" that humans are more valuable as consumers to the rich elites if they are 'all the same'. Hence, the reasons for mass miscegenation, mass consumerism...all the same people consuming the same garbage etc, hence the reason the mass media slavishly conforms to the multicultural agenda etc, etc...Bilderbergers, NWO etc. The Black Hole of human greed and finance will consume anything it can make use of.

  8. This is Jared Taylor interviewed.

  9. Peter Sutherland has condemned his own children and grandchildren.

  10. Now that the British Resistance has linked to Bob Whittaker's BUGS Swarm will you be following suit Sarah?

  11. They were just as guilty as the actual perpetrators and they all should have been hanged for the horrendous crime that was committed. It was not a joke it was a horrendous crime and they found it fit to laugh at. Such complete disregard for the law and disrespect for the citizens of the country shows the true value of their appreciation for the benefits that the country has already given to them. What they actualy received was a holiday at the law abiding taxpayer's expense. Mercy to them is regarded as a weakness and the whole justice system (not only in Britain but the whole western world) has changed from a fearless sturdy unflinching bulldog into a yelping terrified short legged minature Jack Russell. Back in their own country they wouldn't have even chanced it.

  12. Another British journalist mass raped in public in Egypt
    Hillary Clinton’s glorious new “Western Democracy.” Paid for with Billions in US tax dollars.

  13. The price of UK immigration.

    Observe how 'neutrally' the report is made and that racial aspects are not mentioned.

    It would be very different if the ethnicities were reversed.

    This is the kind of atrocity that has been imported, though, and continues to be.

  14. Maybe her husbans concubine would have done a better job.

  15. Skadhi the Raverner2 July 2012 at 13:49

    "Roughly speaking, those representing the political and media establishment and the upper classes were in favor of open borders, whereas those from the lower classes were often opposed. This divide is viewed by those from the upper segments of society as caused mainly by racism, prejudice, ignorance and xenophobia."

    The BNP of today is the Labur party you voted for yesterday or whatever Nick Griffin said.

    That's the popular appeal of nationalism.

  16. American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

    Stoned Dearborn Christian Speaks:

    Very scary things are happening

  17. Roger Hayes of the British Constitution Group jailed without jury or trial for withholding council tax

  18. Still persecuting people,b=facebook

  19. The following is an extract from a university study guide issued for students taking Greek Democracy at third year level. The paragraph from which it is quoted is headed Citizenship.

    "But the changes in the state from the seventh century (BC) onwards made it necessary to prescribe more rigidly the qualifications for citizenship. Restriction was particularly needed in the light of the “liberal” policy of the tyrants and of Cleisthenes of Athens, who swelled the body of their adherents by the reception of many new citizens. Admittedly economic development also furthered such a policy. It is not necessary however to equate immigration with the conferment of citizenship. A rapid increase in grants of citizenship to non citizens represented “devaluation” of the value of citizenship and a decline in the polis. Thereby the strict meaning of “politeia”* was destroyed, notably its implication of unity; the formal act of granting citizenship could not create the firm bond of membership by birth".


  20. Reading between the lines of the folowing BBC articles, it appears that Islamic pedophile networks are setting up privately operated children's homes in heavily Islamized parts of England and using them as pedophile brothels, with kuffar children being brought in from other areas and forced into sex slavery. This needs more publicity.


    "The leader of Rochdale Council says children should no longer be sent to care homes in the borough because their safety "is not being guaranteed".

    There are 41 children's homes in Rochdale, which house vulnerable children from all over England.

    Colin Lambert says the council has no say in what happens to children in homes who come from outside Rochdale.

    Nine men were recently convicted of abusing young girls in Rochdale, one of whom lived in a care home...."


    The government has published plans to combat the sexual exploitation of children in care homes in England by gangs.

    The move acts on recommendations made by the deputy children's commissioner in a report on sexual exploitation.

    The conviction this year of nine men in a child sex ring sparked concerns about the safety of children's homes.

    Children's Minister Tim Loughton said: "These are big changes to a system, which has been letting down too many."

    In May nine men were jailed for being part of a child sex ring in Rochdale - one of the girls was in care at the time and all were said to have been known to social services at some point.

    There are 2,074 registered children's homes in England, Ofsted records
    These homes offer 11,765 places
    There are 16 secure children's homes, providing 281 places
    Around three quarters of homes are run by private operators
    Annual fees per child can total £200,000
    There is a high density of children's homes in Margate, Rochdale, Blackpool and Worthing - large properties in these areas tend to be cheap
    45% of children in care homes are outside of their home borough
    Police figures show an estimated 10,000 children go missing from care every year
    Government official data records just 930 children

    Ministers also pledged a wide-ranging review of all aspects of the quality and effectiveness of children's homes, including management, ownership and staffing.

    A working group will consider.... whether areas such as Rochdale where there are high concentrations of children's homes are really the best "places for bringing up our most vulnerable looked after children"...

  21. A civil war will concentrate the minds of those giggling buffoons who spend their lives staggering around bars

  22. Love you....from Border States....

    Life in our country’s border states can be much different than in the rest of the country. Illegal immigration has become rampant during the last decade and a half.
    Without getting into the multitude of negative affects illegals have on the economies of these border states, let’s simply focus on their effects to public safety.
    In addition to the sustained and growing violence of the Mexican drug cartels in 2004, 37,000 illegal immigrants were detained in the Tucson, Ariz., sector alone.
    Of those 37,000, 7,500 of them were from terror-sponsoring countries. No discussion is needed regarding the sentiments an entire region of the globe has for the good ol’ US of A. Don’t forget that, just a few months ago, terror plots were uncovered designed to carry out bombings on the Israeli and Saudi embassies in Washington, D.C., while a little over two years ago a man with a bomb in his underwear was carried off a plane in Detroit on Christmas Day.
    Before the World Trade Center attacks of 2001, the buildings had already been hit in 1993. People, very evil people, want to do great harm to the innocent citizens of our country and I have a very strong belief that these people work toward it in some capacity on a daily basis. An attack against the men, women and children of this country will happen again. It’s not a matter of if but when.

    from :

  23. Amren:

    Perhaps SMOA will write a review:

    The psychology of white dispossession.
    Barbara Oakley, Et. Al, Pathological Altruism, Oxford University Press, 2012, 465 pp., $55.00.
    Pathological Altruism is a fascinating book. As a long-time student of the most common and dangerous of all pathological altruisms—the willingness of whites to give up their homelands to non-whites—I was hoping at least one of the 48 contributions would mention this problem. None does, but several throw useful but indirect light on it. The book is also filled with eye-opening observations about human nature and how the brain works, and its main editor, Barbara Oakley of the University of Michigan, has done a wonderful job of eliminating repetition and contradiction. Even Edward O. Wilson of Harvard has written that this book taught him something completely new, and I believe him

    Pathological altruism” (PA) is a relatively new concept; the term entered the scientific literature only in 1984. There has been very little written about it, partly because altruism is so highly regarded in the West that few scientists dare criticize it. This book makes it clear that PA is a problem well worth studying.
    PA is generally defined as a sincere attempt to help others that instead harms others or oneself, and is “an unhealthy focus on others to the detriment of one’s own needs.” Several of the contributors offer tantalizing definitions: PA is likely when people “falsely believe that they caused the other’s problems, or falsely believe that they have the means to relieve the person of suffering.” Or, it is “the false belief that one’s own success, happiness, or well-being is a source of unhappiness for others.” PA “often involves self-righteousness,” and can result in “impulsive and ineffective efforts to equalize or level the playing field.”
    Together, these definitions are an almost perfect description of white liberal attitudes towards non-whites, yet none of the contributors seems to be aware of this.
    A typical case of PA is the battered wife who thinks her own behavior makes her husband violent, and who stays with him because she fears he will commit suicide if she leaves. Another would be a depressed person who mistakenly believes that if he kills himself he will no longer be a burden on his family—and so he kills himself. Some people falsely think their own success comes at the expense of family members or co-workers, and try to make amends for their undeserved achievements.

  24. Peter Sutherland, head of the UN Golbal forum on migration and development & non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs told the house of lords committee on migration " The EU should undermine national homogeneity" What an absolutely monstrous thing to say, a statement thats on par with anything out of the mouths of Goebbels or Trotsky

    not really, if non whites / non christians had not been allowed in over the last 60 years...
    here in USA, I see Europe as states, like usa s states.

  25. Why are no nationalist groups supporting the persecuted Jacquline Woodhouse? Emma is up soon. Will she also be abandoned?

  26. Here are 4 great novels about the NWO / immigration topic.

    Prey World 1-4 on

  27. Recently complained to BBC about the way their newsreaders speak with unnatural gaps between words. This is their disgraceful reply:

    Thanks for contacting us regarding the BBC News channel.

    I'm sorry to note that you dislike some presenters and correspondents styles of speech because you feel they overemphasise certain words, or have a broken speech pattern.

    We realise that the range of tastes and opinions held by our audience is so diverse that it's inevitable some viewers will dislike or disapprove of certain presenters and contributors. It's a very rare personality who meets with everyone's approval, and it's clear that opinions on individuals can vary considerably.

    Our newsreaders and correspondents are appointed on the basis of their experience and talent, but judgements are often subjective and we would never expect everyone to agree with every choice we make. However, we don't engage any presenter or correspondent unless we believe they're competent and can meet the specific demands required of them.

    Much of the appeal of individuals also results from the individual style in which they communicate with their audiences. To dictate to them on the use of language would inhibit spontaneity and introduce a uniformity which would undermine their individuality.

    The BBC’s aim is to reflect as much as possible the varied activities, accents and cultures of the different communities which make up the UK's population. The BBC broadcasts to the whole of the United Kingdom and it is only right that a variety of accents and styles of speech should also be represented.

    Nevertheless, I'd like to assure you that we've registered your comments on our audience log. This is the internal report of audience feedback we compile daily for the programme makers and senior management within the BBC. The audience logs are important documents that can help shape future decisions and they ensure that your points, and all other comments we receive, are made available to BBC staff across the Corporation.

    Thanks again for contacting us.

    Kind Regards

    Stuart Webb

    BBC Complaints

  28. I recently complained to the BBC about the way their newsreaders left big gaps between words. This is their disgraceful reply:

    Thanks for contacting us regarding the BBC News channel.

    I'm sorry to note that you dislike some presenters and correspondents styles of speech because you feel they overemphasise certain words, or have a broken speech pattern.

    We realise that the range of tastes and opinions held by our audience is so diverse that it's inevitable some viewers will dislike or disapprove of certain presenters and contributors. It's a very rare personality who meets with everyone's approval, and it's clear that opinions on individuals can vary considerably.

    Our newsreaders and correspondents are appointed on the basis of their experience and talent, but judgements are often subjective and we would never expect everyone to agree with every choice we make. However, we don't engage any presenter or correspondent unless we believe they're competent and can meet the specific demands required of them.

    Much of the appeal of individuals also results from the individual style in which they communicate with their audiences. To dictate to them on the use of language would inhibit spontaneity and introduce a uniformity which would undermine their individuality.

    The BBC’s aim is to reflect as much as possible the varied activities, accents and cultures of the different communities which make up the UK's population. The BBC broadcasts to the whole of the United Kingdom and it is only right that a variety of accents and styles of speech should also be represented.

    Nevertheless, I'd like to assure you that we've registered your comments on our audience log. This is the internal report of audience feedback we compile daily for the programme makers and senior management within the BBC. The audience logs are important documents that can help shape future decisions and they ensure that your points, and all other comments we receive, are made available to BBC staff across the Corporation.

    Thanks again for contacting us.

    Kind Regards

    Stuart Webb

    BBC Complaints

  29. While immigration to the United States is well documented, so is emigration from the United States. And while people coming to the United States still exceeds those leaving, most who do leave, do so not as permanent emigrants but as expatriates for a limited amount of time.
